Friday, December 8, 2006

Billard Balls

I've come across a briliant plan and before I sober up I feel compelled to commit the plan to pen and paper (sort of). I'm name the idea the BBCP (Billard Ball Contengency Plan) not to be confused with the ZCP (Zombie Contengency Plan).

Recently there has been a lot of talk of terrorists hijacking plans. Airports have elaborate screning processes and airlines have been placing armed air personal on plans. Just the other day an air marshall shoot dead a passenger.

Personally I don't feel a gun or an air marshall is required for passenger protection. Instead airlines should imploy the BBCP. How it works is simple. Each passanger is issued one and exactly one billard ball. That's it. Nothing more.

You may be thinking how this solves anything. Its simple; one billiard ball isn't enough to hijack a plane with. However, no matter what weapon you bring with you, if everyone else has a billlard ball you aren't hajacking shit. One to four men with guns verse 200 people armed with billlard balls. Where would you put your money?

I can't beleive I give this shit away for free.

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